Here at Camp Istrouma, we know God is calling us to start this campaign of giving.
We are doing this for all of our campers: past, present, and future.
We ask that you draw near to the Lord and ask Him for the means to support Camp Istrouma as we expand our ministry.
Will you join in United We Grow?
Colossians 2:7
Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. (NLT)
How Can You Help?
Camp Istrouma is praying for 350 families to commit to giving a set amount for the next five years. Down below are three options of plans on how you can support Camp Istrouma in the next phase of our development.
200 families giving $30/month
100 families giving $50/month
50 families giving $100/month
Additionally, we are seeking 20 churches to commit to giving $400/month over five years.
Start giving to Camp Istrouma’s United We Grow campaign today
It’s about more than expanding our property-It’s about bringing children to Christ.
The Back Story
From our start in 1958, Camp Istrouma has been essential in the lives of children and adults in the greater Baton Rouge area and beyond. Generations of campers have enjoyed break out activities such as canoeing, performing skits with their cabin, and growing in their faith through small groups and worship. Throughout the years, God has blessed our camp with abundant campers, families, and individuals.
Over time, we outgrew our space as we added new residential and day camp programs to our summer camp. Our dining hall, the Lake Lodge, was built in 2006. Since its completion, It has been used to feed our campers with delicious food and yummy treats. Additionally, we have added several break out stations like human foosball and our rock wall. God continually shows His faithfulness by providing for camp through the addition of buildings, activities, and security.
After thoughtful prayer, Camp Istrouma is ready to move to the next phase of our development.
Our main plan to address our space need is to build a new building. This multi-purpose building would replace the worn-down Wilkes Hall. It will provide a new gymnasium, arcade, offices, and camp store as well as living space for our spiritual leader and full-time staff members.
As our camp has grown, our insufficient space has been a constant struggle. With our rapidly expanding LITE program, overnight and day camps, the need for a large building is needed now more than ever. Because of this need, Camp Istrouma is pushing for a 12,000 square foot multi-purpose building and three additional cabins. This building will be used for camp games, free time, talent shows, and much more. Additionally, Camp Istrouma’s plan is to add three more cabins to allow for more campers to be able to experience camp. With the addition of this building, Camp Istrouma can expand our programs further to bring campers to Christ.